Privacy Policy

The Service Provider (or “Service Provider”) attaches great importance to protecting the personal data of its users. For this reason, we have entered into a separate Privacy Agreement that forms an integral part of the Service Provider's General and Specific Terms and Additional Terms. Pursuant to this Agreement, you acknowledge that the Service Provider is authorized to collect and process “personal information,” “financial information,” or “demographic information,” and “user-related information” (hereinafter collectively referred to as “the Information”) in connection with the Service provided. By using the Service Provider Service, you agree to be bound by this Privacy Policy and the Copyright Policy, as well as the General and Specific Terms and Conditions. If you are unable to agree to any of the above, unfortunately you will not be able to use our Service. Unless expressly stated otherwise in the General and Specific Terms and Conditions, the Copyright Policy and Privacy Policy will also apply to any new application that is an extension or enhancement of the current Service. We therefore encourage you to check these pages regularly. This website and the WAP website (collectively referred to as “the websites”) are owned and operated by the service provider (also referred to hereafter as “we” or “us”).

Changes to the privacy policy

We reserve the right to modify, expand, and/or limit these copyright provisions, privacy policy, and general and special conditions at any time. In view of the fact that any changes will be posted on these pages, we encourage you to return to them regularly. Continued use of our service and use of any improvements and enhancements to this service will be considered by us as consent to the provision of the service, including any changes made.

Information Collected

We collect and process your “personal information” (data that can be used to contact you, such as your first and last name, (postal) address, telephone number, email address and MSISDN (“Mobile Station Integrated Services Digital Network Number”) and/or data related to the SMS messages you receive or send to the service provider, your “financial information” (such as credit card numbers, details of your bank accounts or passwords) or “demographic information” and “user information” (information provided by you or that we collect about you that is neither personal nor financial, but is necessary for the proper operation of our service and is required to pay for our service, such as the type of service, details of the type and manufacturer of your cell phone, the start and end dates and duration of your use of our service, the type of browser you use, your Internet browsing habits, and your IP address) associated with that service. We reserve the right to disclose your personal, financial and/or demographic and user data (“the data” for short) to your mobile network operator and/or gateway service provider in order to secure payment of any amounts due. Such information collected by the Service Provider may be stored and processed in a country where the Service Provider or companies affiliated with the Service Provider in a group of companies have their place of business. By using our service, you consent to the cross-border exchange of your information.

Use of your data by us

The Service Provider provides you with a wide range of online and mobile content for entertainment and information purposes through its Service. We use your personal data to provide our Service and for our customer service. We use your personal data to respond to your requests, to process your transactions, and to send you offers and enhancements and for promotional purposes of our Service through SMS messages and websites. Unless you specifically ask us not to, we may use your personal data to contact you about our services and products and aspects of our services that we think may be of interest to you, or for other purposes that may arise from time to time. We may also use your personal information to contact you about our websites or about changes to our privacy policy, copyright policy, terms and conditions or other terms and conditions relating to the relationship between you and us and/or your use of our websites. In addition, we may use the information to improve our content and the navigability of our websites or for other internal purposes. Finally, we also reserve the right to share your personal information with other business partners who may wish to contact you about their products and services and to provide you with the opportunity to purchase those products and services. In some countries, we are not permitted to send promotional communications without your prior explicit consent.

It is therefore possible that the above information may not apply to you. If you decide to refuse or withdraw your consent to the sharing of your personal information with our business partners for commercial purposes, we ask you to notify us at the same time you provide us with your personal information. If you later change your mind, you may email us at the address listed on the websites or notify us through the relevant service of which you have been informed. You can also contact us via our customer service phone number, which you can find in our Special Terms and Conditions. After notification of your refusal/deletion, we will no longer share your personal data with third parties. We would like to emphasize that deletion of your personal information or changes you request cannot take immediate effect. We use anonymized personal information for internal operational purposes and to help target our services and interact with visitors to our websites. In addition, we reserve the right to customize anonymized data to tailor the service to your needs and to send you targeted advertisements based on search terms (“keywords”) in Internet searches. We may also combine the information we collect about you with information available from third parties or combine generally available information with your information. If you register with us for this service or to use other aspects of our service, we will collect details of your cell phone number and to identify your mobile network operator. By using our service, you agree that we may share your cell phone number with our business partners and third parties as necessary to process your transactions. These third parties may include mobile network operators and/or gateway service providers used by the service provider to process your transactions. To help us operate our service, such as to authorize your transactions, we may use third parties to whom we may disclose this information for limited purposes. If we sell our business, merge with another company, or go into receivership, some or all of the information we collect about you will be transferred to the third party involved in the transaction. Finally, we may also disclose your information to certain parties if required by law or if necessary to protect the safety of the service provider or service users.


In order to provide an enhanced user experience of our websites, we may use “cookies”. “Cookies” are objects that we transfer to your computer's hard drive through our web browser to enable our systems to recognize your browser and provide your computer with certain functionality. Cookies themselves are unable to provide us with information about your e-mail address or other personal information unless you have chosen to provide it to us, such as through the registration process on our websites. However, once you become our customer and enter your personal information on our websites, it will be linked to the data stored in the cookie. Therefore, we use cookies to help you use our websites and to improve the content and services of our websites. For example, we may use cookies to personalize your visits to our websites (for example, to recognize when you return to one of our websites). You can change your browser settings so that you reject cookies from our and other website providers. If you would like more information on this topic, please consult the “Help” section of your browser. However, we would like to point out that some parts of our websites are only accessible with the help of cookies or other similar objects. You should therefore be aware that by blocking cookies or similar items you may no longer have access to the content or services in question.

Minimum age 18 years

Neither the Service nor the Websites are intended for use by children and minors. We may occasionally inadvertently collect personal information from users who are not the minimum age specified in the Special Terms and Conditions. Such information will be deleted by us.


Our website may contain links to other websites. The Service Provider has no control over such websites and is therefore not responsible for the content and availability of such websites, nor for any advertisements, products, or other materials contained therein. The Service Provider shall not be liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss arising out of or caused by the actions of any other user in connection with the aforementioned circumstances. Access to and use of the linked websites, including the content of such sites, is entirely at your own risk.

Data Security

It is important to us that your information is secure. We use industry-leading technologies to ensure the security of your information. Unfortunately, however, the security of data transmission over the Internet and mobile network cannot be 100% guaranteed. The bottom line is that although we do everything we can to protect your information, we cannot give you an absolute guarantee that the information you send through our channels is completely secure.

Access to information

The Service Provider offers you the opportunity to correct or delete the personal information you have provided or to change your preferences by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address listed in the Special Conditions, specifying whether you wish to change your information or delete it from our database, or whether you wish to withdraw your consent to receive communications from us or from third parties. You may also contact us via our customer service phone number, which can be found in our Special Conditions. Deletion of data or withdrawal of consent to receive communications from the Service Provider or third parties will only ensure that the data is deleted from our database in order to cease future communications from us and third parties to you. However, such deletion will not affect information that has already been collected and may have been subsequently disclosed to third parties as described in this Privacy Policy. We recommend that you contact these third parties directly to have your personal information that these third parties may use to contact you deleted.


If you have any questions and/or comments about our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us. If you have any questions, please contact StreamGymToday via the website or call +41445816440.